Sunday, June 26, 2011

tomb raider 9

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  • sam_hoosier
    12-14 10:35 AM

    I have recevied I-140 RFE on all of the above u mentioned 1,2,3. i have 3 years degree.Labour doesnt match with edu.i am hpoing to get reject :).thats what attorney saying.

    Why are you HOPING to get rejected ? :D

    But if you expect to get rejected, you should get a new case ready and file as soon as you know for sure that the first one ha been rejected.

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  • mahathi
    05-11 06:24 PM
    The problem is I only have single entry visa to Canada. So if I go out I cannot come back without visitors visa to canada.

    I am scared about that as well.

    So, if the consulate decides to issue me the visa, can I get it stamped in India?

    Your reply is much appreciated.

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  • Tomb Raider #39

  • sam_hoosier
    12-17 10:53 AM
    I have an offer from a great company as a program manager that involves management and coordination of teams. There will be a little programming involved. This is in the software industry

    The labor was filed as software engineer whose description says that this was java focussed intense programming position.

    I am EB2, india, dec 2003 with more that 180 days and 140 approved, also have my ead and AP done.

    I plan to move on EAD. Would this qualify as "same or similar". The industry is the same and the job is similar (it just shows normal career progression)

    what do you think?

    Have you checked the job codes for the two jobs ? Just given this information, the new role does look similar. However, I would run this by an attorney just to be safe.

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  • NikNikon
    June 16th, 2005, 03:54 PM
    Hey Anders, I gave a go at lightening your shot. Would be interested in how yours came out as well.


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  • freddy22
    07-13 11:07 PM
    My son 18 and a green card holder since december 2005 - entered the US legally in 1999 lives with me his father - mother in other country - no ties to other country - UK:
    He has a sister here - and me and other family members:

    He was involved with taking snow mobiles last december and charged with midemeanors reduced from felonys - 2 felonys reduced on plea bargain:
    He was sentanced to 3 years probation, and some days per week in jail which he served but is still on probation:

    He picked up another charge when entering a friends house and was with another person who stole two items - a laptop and a wii - he was charged with burglary in 2nd class C felony - we have a attourney and hopefully can get it reduced to a misdemeanor:

    He is currently in jail on $25,000 bail:
    He appears in court on wednesday - we will ask for a bail reduction:
    Obviously a violation of probation is filed and he has this new charge and the old charges he was put on probation for now hanging over him:

    This kid was mixing with the wrong crowd and I need to get him away from that and will ask the judge to send him to boot camp where he will learn discipline, responsibility and grow up:

    My questions are:

    would he be depostable or would he face any involvement regarding immigration?

    If his charges are misdemeanors including this felony reduced to a misdemeanor - meaning never having been convicted of a felony - does this constitute removal proceedings or involvement in possible deportation?

    Your advice would be greatly appreciated

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  • IV2007
    07-30 10:37 AM

    My undertstanding is, if one is a primary applicant on EAD and he/she starts studying full time, one need to pay taxes (like saying working part time or doing business, etc...).

    Once school is complete one needs to get back to same position or higher as an EAD applicant.

    I am also looking for concrete answers/confirmation on this.

    Tried to post a mesg to attorney on this forum but the post was closed. :(

    Anyone know for sure how to handle this situation. Or anyone did this and still got GC ??



    tomb raider 9. more tomb raider 2 9. Posted by ozobee; Category: Other; 78 views (+1 new)
  • more tomb raider 2 9. Posted by ozobee; Category: Other; 78 views (+1 new)

  • senthil1
    12-06 11:42 PM
    I think Eb2 is much better. Retrogression is hardly more than 3 years and moves fast sometimes. Best thing is get a preapproved labor if available in your company

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  • prmetta
    11-23 04:05 PM
    I need to transfer money every month to my mother in india as a monthly automated transaction. ..she has a account in Canara bank ..what is the easiest rather cheapest rather free way to send from the US..

    any help is appreciated..
    Easy method on a automated basis is ICICI. If you register through this you can set the Recurring Transactions. From the bank you set in there will go without interruption on a timely manner. My mortgages in India will go the same way.


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  • bijualex29
    05-05 03:33 PM
    I would like to know, can I get my H-1B at 6.0 year of my H-4 with my spouse�s approved I-140 (affected by EB-3 retrogression)?

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  • pappu
    07-09 09:07 AM
    I am starting this thread to see if IV can help CP (consular processing) filers (who are already in the US) who are the worst affected due to retrogression.


    1. CP filers do not have any interim benefits like EAD, AP, AC21 provision.
    2. CP filers lose their GC application if the employer closes down business and they have to start all over from scratch (after finding a sponsor).
    3. CP filers are the ones actually stuck with the same employer due to not having EAD.
    4. Most CP filers would not have got the income tax rebate ($600 per individual and $300 per child) if they had filed return jointly with their spouse and if the spouse was not working. This is just insane.

    As we are losing sight of, the only rescue for CP filers, recapturing bill - the only other option will be to enable CP filers to file for 485 even if their PD is not current. I am assuming this does not need a change to the legislation and can be done by DOS/USCIS. I may be wrong. Otherwise, CP filers especially EB3 India with PD 2002/2003 have high risks if they have to lose their current GC application, which I think is quite unfair.

    I know, even IV hardly cares for CP filers as there is not even a provision to enter CP details in the tracker, however, just wanted to try our luck.

    If IV thinks this is too much for the asking, feel free to delete this thread.

    If anyone can't resist the urge to ask us, why the heck did you file for CP, well, nobody would have anticipated this plight and above all CP is not illegal!

    It is untrue that IV does not care for CP filers.
    One should not blame IV for not taking up a cause. IV is everyone. Core team is simply assisting the community in the general management of the organization. It is the community that powers all efforts.

    We have had mostly AOS members till now and thus the focus has been on AOS. If you wanted CP in the tracker, let us know and we will add it.It is a minor issue. We haven't had anyone telling us till now or even telling us the bugs in the tracker so that we can improve it.

    If you feel strongly that this is a genuine problem for CP filers, and everyone stuck in it can present compelling case for it, please feel free to lead the effort. IV will help you with guidance. Recently several members stuck in Perm audit delays approached IV and they took the initiative to start a campaign. I think this is how IV should evolve for future so that people can help themselves using this platform. IV is willing to help anyone stuck in the EB immigration system. Could you find more people like yourself stuck in CP filing in one place on this forum and discuss amongst yourself various ideas and strategies to find a solution to the problem. IV core will be available for guidance and advice.


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  • gjoe
    11-09 07:07 PM
    Lawyers are suckers. There are like leeches ( always there are exceptions though)

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  • gsvisu
    07-13 06:51 AM
    Moral : Play Soccer

    Leave Doctor, Software, Engineering professions... & play soccer.


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  • singhsa3
    04-12 02:57 PM
    Nice thoughts Harvinder,
    But this exactly what we tried to do through the recent campaign on admin fixes..

    Hi Friends and Administrators,

    I have a suggestion. I am sure the administrators here have much better ideas than mine but I would request administrators to please read this suggestion with an open mind. It might be useful for the community.
    I am sure we have enough members working for big companies like Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, Intel etc. The past experiences tell us that congress listens to these companies more than us even if we are making a valid point on the legal immigration issues. The irony here is that these companied care for H1 visa expansion not green card quota expansion. These big companies do not realize the benefit of green card quota expansion to them.
    Let me prove how. A large proportion of the immigration community is working for small companies as consultants. Their immigration status makes changing jobs very difficult. Now I am sure if the people stuck in GC process get there GC thousands of people will not be forced to work for consultant companies and will look for permanent jobs. And these big companies are sitting on the top of the most desired companies to work for. These thousands of consultants will be more than happy to work for these big companies after they get there GC.
    My point here is that if we can have these Companies speak for us, our voices can be heard by congress.
    How this can be done: If immigrants working for these companies as consultants or permanent can start a chain of email and send a signed copy with hundred of signatures to the management, management might think of putting these points across to congress.
    The contents of this email should be simple and achievable. Like
    1. Recapture of unused Visas.
    2. Get rid of the country quota. (This one is difficult but very beneficial).
    3. Except US graduates form quota. (This one is controversial in IV community, but if US graduates are out of the quota every one is benefited. US graduates will be benefited more, but others will be benefited because there will be less number of people to share the quota. I mention this one because this point can get big support for the universities also, and I am sure congress does not ignore a voice coming form the universities.
    About increasing the quota it is difficult and will not help much if the country quota is still exists.

    If the email submitted to the management contain thousands of signatures from immigrants working for here company and people who support these immigrants in the company management and people like Bill Gates might talk to the congress to hemp us.

    May be it is 2 cents suggestion but I would like the administrators to think out it with a open mind.


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  • coopheal
    04-12 03:01 PM
    Gurus, I just got an email about RFE on 485 application for both of us (myself and wife). My PD is Sep 2006, EB2, not sure why the application got opened and whats the RFE about. I am still working on h1 (renewed based on approved 140) and still has 1.5 years left. Is someone on the same boat, i mean RFE's on 485 though PD is not current??? If the RFE is about my employment, would my wife also get the RFE ?? I am with the same employer from almost 6 years.Do i get the copy of RFE too or just the attorney?? Thanks Guys, appreciate your help ....

    Don't worry much its more than like going to be a medical RFE.

    I had an RFE recently with similar status. See thread....


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  • Tomb Raider: Chronicles

  • immigrationmatters30
    06-14 12:43 PM
    Sorry to say this but there are very few memebers on this forum without EAD. I think this website existed for a while but only came to life when dates became current in 2007. You can notice that most memebers here are with EAD when you see the number responses you get for EAD/AP related threads Vs H1B. Open an H1B thread and notice how quick that gets buried. But that will soon change, when most memebers with EAD get their green card they will hopefully be replaced by newer, non-EAD memebers and then we will have one united community(H1B, non-EAD,temporary workers). FYI, no EAD for me as well.

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  • snowshoe
    12-18 01:33 PM
    I called Carnival, the CSR mentioned that I only need a passport and a US visa. However, their website says check with the country's embassy for immigration documents. I guess I will err on the side of caution and get Mexican tourist visa.


    When I took VISA and entered into Mexico and asked Mexican Immigration Officer please stamp my passport as I entered in Mexico, but he said if you are in Mexico for less than 72 hours then you don't need to take VISA or special permission if your stay is going to more than 72 hours then you need to take visiting VISA...I took it because I was going with my entire family...but I knew my collegues went to Mexico for stamping..without taking any Mexico VISA..hope this helps..if you need any additional info please let me know.



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  • GCNaseeb
    08-08 04:47 PM
    Employer not revoking your I-140 itself proves "employer intention" to hire him back on adjudication. You may have intention to work for sponsoring employer but if you are laid off its not in your control, right? Adjudicator always looks by law and there is no law which says if you are laid off within 180 days your I-485 can not be approved.

    It sounds a cake walk from your response, What if there is an RFE after 180 days on your sponsor/employer? You missed the point that GC is for future employment with the sponsor. There are certain situations where employee can invoke AC21 and get the protection against employer initiated termination etc. If you do not work for extended period.. no matter whether it is with in 180 or not.. USCIS may anytime during adjudication, question your intention for GC.

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  • bheemi
    03-28 03:05 PM
    Hi Logicifile,
    so are we going to work on pushing an ammendment when this bill is on discussion on the senate floor or house...could you please clarify...


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  • getgreensoon1
    04-07 01:26 PM
    Tech firms warn of impacts of tight visa quota - MarketWatch (

    The problem is most of the visas are taken by indian bodyshops such as infosys, TCS, LT to bring underskilled computer operators to the US. Intel, MS and other good companies that hire from reputed US universities have hard time getting the visas due to the cap. The cap should work the other way round. 20K for bodyshops and 65K for people from US universities.

    06-23 12:58 PM
    Yeah I saw on the Visa Bulletin that EB3 is really backed up. Kind of upsetting because I am sure that not too many people from my country are working in my field.

    Regardless, my position is that of a Financial Services Auditor. The position requirements state that a Master's degree is preferred but a Bachelor's is acceptable if one meets the credit hour requirements to sit for the CPA exam (150 hours).

    I heard that EB2 category placement depends on the position requirements not on my actual degree, which is a BS in Accounting and Finance (Double Major, exceeding 150 credit hours). Using that information is there any way that I could be placed in EB2? I got the job with a lesser degree because I was able to demonstrate exceptional ability.

    As far as the bonus thing goes, I was trying to address the "renumeration" requirement for EB2. My company is one of the top in the field globally. I reason that if one receives bonuses for being one of the top performers in that company then it should be "exceptional ability."

    Lastly I would meet the Professional licensing - CPA/CFA - and professional organization membership - AICPA and other State orgs.

    I would speak to my company attorney about this, but I want to get the facts straight. I can see that to save myself a headache I might as well get married to a US citizen.

    04-01 03:24 PM
    Really? Nobody? Nothing? :( Please, any advice will do, I'm desperate, I don't want to leave in 2 weeks, I need some more time with my partner...

    You already have the answer : It is 180 days after your I-94 expires, not the day of your arrival.

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